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In Denmark there are no established standards for valuation process. The title appraiser is not protected. There are no established valuation educations and certifications. There are no business societies of professional appraisers. The only current official title is to have accreditation with the Danish Court Administration, which we have. That is intended for valuation of assets up to 50000 DKK. For all practical reasons this has no value when it comes to professional appraisals and certainly not anything closely resembling rigorous international standards.

For that reason, Maskinvurdering ApS has adopted the USPAP standard (Uniform Standards of Professional Practice) or IVSC, International Valuation Standards Council (UK), which form key guidance for valuation professionals globally. The latest edition is for 2020 issued by the International Valuation Standards Council.

We also offer non USPAP standard appraisals, because the USPAP standards are not commonly used outside USA.

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