Marketing Solutions

Usually asset managers are unfamiliar with selling used equipment or closing down production units. Finding the best marketing strategy and planning details and the practical operations of such may be daunting and time consuming. That is why relying on services from Maskinvurdering ApS makes sense. Our clients rely on our disposal services because:
  • We have access to national and international databases of potential buyers seeing entire plants or individual assets.
  • We have a sensible market approach to make more money from the disposal.
  • Prime assets are marketed at retail prices – not wholesale value.
  • We are able to manage a negotiated sale process designed to bring higher value.
  • Commissions are usually lower than consignment fees.

Complete Facilities – Plant Closing – Asset Disposal

Assets sold on site and in operation usually achieve better prices. Buyers may be looking for a way to continue operation on site, if…

Prime Asset Marketing

Sometimes a company has prime surplus assets for disposal due to operational consolidations, capacity upgrade or product line…

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